Get your firm on ZaveHub
Media and content to help you effortlessly bring your operations and team members onto ZaveHub.
Add your team to ZaveHub
Invite other team members in your firm and bring your operations onto Zave.
Add an entity onto ZaveHub
Add an entity onto ZaveHub either manually or if you’re in Singapore, through uploading a Bizfile.
Add and respond to Tasks
Use our Tasks feature to communicate with your clients and manage their requestst.
Create documents using the Document Generator
Use the Document Generator to create standard corporate resolutions in seconds.
Using your incorporation tool
Digitally collect, track and manage new incorporations using our incorporation tool. You’ll be able to manage the incorporation process online from beginning to end.
How to add events to Timeline
Use Timeline to track and store corporate activity and its corresponding documents.
Upload multiple documents for data extraction in Timeline
Bulk upload corporate documents so they can be chronologically indexed to an entity’s Timeline.